KING Edwardo III

Edwardo Geese Lucius Cheese Pythagoras Gonzalez Lindovskaya III.

for he is not a fair king.
but a handsome one.


In the vast and tumultuous land of Eorzea, a kingdom ruled by tradition and power struggles, an unexpected force emerged to challenge the status quo—the fierce and bald tyrant, KING EDWARDO GEESE LUCIUS CHEESE PYTHAGORAS GONZALEZ LINDOVSKAYA III.Edwardo's journey to the throne began in the humble bustling city of Limsa Lominsa, where he was born into a family of skilled blacksmiths. As a young man, he demonstrated an unparalleled knack for strategy and leadership on the battlefield. His bald head, devoid of any royal pomp, became a symbol of his practicality and no-nonsense approach.Rising through the military ranks, Edwardo quickly gained a reputation for his unyielding determination and formidable tactics. During a period of political turmoil, when Eorzea faced external threats and internal dissent, Edwardo seized the opportunity to showcase his leadership prowess. In a series of decisive battles, he quelled rebellions, defeated rival factions, and earned the loyalty of a formidable army.As Edwardo's military victories stacked up, the people of Eorzea took notice. His fierce reputation, combined with an aura of no-nonsense authority, attracted supporters from all walks of life. The monarchy, sensing the rising tide of Edwardo's influence, made a strategic move by offering him a position within the royal council.However, Edwardo had no intention of being a mere council member. With a bold and audacious move, he staged a coup against the ruling monarch, King Reginald the Hairy. The coup, known as the "Bald Uprising," unfolded swiftly and decisively. Edwardo's bald head became the symbol of a new era, a departure from the ostentatious extravagance of the previous rulers.Crowned as KING EDWARDO GEESE LUCIUS CHEESE PYTHAGORAS GONZALEZ LINDOVSKAYA III., he implemented strict policies to restore order and strengthen Eldoria's military might. His rule was characterized by a fierce determination to crush dissent and solidify his dominion. The kingdom witnessed a rapid militarization, with Edwardo earning the moniker "The Iron Scalp of Eorzea."Despite his fierce exterior, King Edwardo was not without complexity. Beneath the stern facade lay a ruler driven by a desire for stability and prosperity. He implemented economic reforms, revamped infrastructure, and expanded the kingdom's borders through strategic alliances and calculated military campaigns.As King Edwardo's reign unfolded, Eorzea transformed into a formidable power, feared by its adversaries and respected by its allies. The bald tyrant's legacy became a tale of a ruler who, against all odds, rose from the ranks of commoners to reshape the destiny of Eorzea through sheer will and military prowess. Though his rule was marked by an iron-fisted approach, it undeniably left an indelible mark on the pages of Eorzean history, forever defining the era of KING EDWARDO GEESE LUCIUS CHEESE PYTHAGORAS GONZALEZ LINDOVSKAYA III.

praise the bald

Lindovskaya Family Tree

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behold & revel

Lindovskaya ROyal Gallery

praise the bald


King Edwardo revels in academic excellence as well as outstanding performance in field and military combat. Below are the various medallions of honor he has obtained in service prior to his crowning.